A Few Takeaways from F8 2019
Last week, Facebook had its big yearly developer conference, F8 2019. This week, I want to discuss some big takeaways from that.
Stories, Messages, Groups, and Events!
- Facebook is focusing on two things: stories and private one-to-one messaging like Messenger, WhatsApp, and direct message on Instagram. They're likening that type of interaction to what happens in our living rooms, versus everything else on Facebook that is more like the town square. While Facebook will still have the town square conversations, they're really focusing on the living room conversations. If you haven't started building your Messenger list, do it immediately!
- Facebook is also going to be improving and promoting events and groups. Events and groups cause meaningful interactions in our lives, and since Facebook's goal is to bring people together, it’s natural for them to want to focus on those. So if you don't have a group already for your business, then you should start one, whether it's a support group or an interest group. Groups encourage interactions between like-minded people. There are going to be a lot of new features for events and groups.
- Facebook is getting a redesign. They are going with a more white and gray look and feel. It will also have a more streamlined look. I wonder if as many people will complain about the "new" Facebook as with the past updates to the interface.
Be a Doer.
Because reaching potential customers/clients through social media is so important to the survival of many of our small businesses, it’s imperative that we stay on top of changes and trends, and even get ahead of them whenever possible. We certainly don’t want to be among the last to adapt. Start using stories to engage your followers on your Facebook and Instagram business accounts. Start a group. Host some events.
People influence people. Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend. A trusted referral influences people more than the best broadcast message. A trusted referral is the Holy Grail of advertising.
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook