Key Features
One Article, Two Locations
One of the unique features of Grow Atchison is the publishing of news articles about economic development and business growth. We enabled a feature that allows articles published on Grow Atchison to be automatically published on the City’s website without creating duplicate content and associated issues in Google. This way, the City website admin only has to post the article in one spot for it to show up on both sites.
Posting Local Job Openings
Atchison realized that local small business owners needed a place to post job openings exclusively for Atchison businesses. Websites like Monster or CareerBuilder tend to list a lot of national or regional jobs that are not actual, local job opportunities in Atchison. As a solution to this, we created a local job board that any local business can list their jobs on. People within the community can see those jobs posted and apply.
Developing a Business Resource Center
Atchison wanted to create a resource center for those wanted to start a business in Atchison or those trying to sustain their businesses in Atchison. We used custom post types for the resource directory and designed them with user experience in mind. For instance, when someone is looking for information about the Facade Loan Program, we wanted to provide them with the immediate information they need, how to get in contact with someone who can help them, and how they can get more information about the program. The contact form on each of the resource pages pull in what page the user is on and what information they are seeking when they send the contact form to the site admin.
Other Special Features
- An investor/investee connection form
- A business idea section
- A place where businesses can request an intern
- Fully responsive on all devices
- Optimized for SEO with fast load times
- Optimized for social sharing with default open graph information